Wedding Planning Checklist

Wedding Planning Checklist

  Congratulations!  You’re getting married. Once the excitement has settled down, you’ll want to start planning your special day.  It might seem like a scary prospect but it doesn’t have to be. Creating a plan and a checklist is a good way to stay on...
What is a Sustainable Wedding?

What is a Sustainable Wedding?

  What is a Sustainable Wedding?   What is a Sustainable Wedding and can we have one?  How easy is it to have an eco-friendly Wedding Day?  Where do I start?  Who can help me with it?  These are all good questions that I’ll be answering.   I can...
Secret Garden Wedding Venue Birmingham

Secret Garden Wedding Venue Birmingham

Secret Garden in the City Secret Garden Wedding Venue Birmingham. This Secret Garden is just perfect your very own Secret Garden Wedding. Tucked away in the leafy suburbs of this very desirable area of Edgbaston it’s a charming oasis with mature trees and shrubs, a...
What’s a Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

What’s a Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

A Renewal of Vows Ceremony is a wonderful occasion where couples like you come together to reaffirm and recommit yourself to each other.  Many couples choose to have the ceremony on a significant date or anniversary.  For example on the anniversary of your original...